hi, i’m rohan

:wave: welcome to my corner of the internet!

who i am

:man_technologist: i’m a robotics engineer who’s currently building hd maps to power self-driving cars at uber atg.

:classical_building: before that, i researched autonomous robots at the university of virginia, and taught an undergrad class on it.

what i’m interested in

:world_map: the world around us is unstructured and complex. i’m interested in developing technology to understand it better, and make it useful for helping us get around safely and efficiently.

:book: we also consume tens of gigabytes of information on a daily basis in an ad-hoc and impermanent way. i’m interested in creating systems that can make this knowledge functional, and help us methodically generate original ideas.

why you should care

:memo: i write about robotics, tech, software, meta-learning, and other fun stuff – you can follow along on the blog.

:point_down: Check out my latest posts below: